Middle-market private equity

Investment Expert is one of the largest and most experienced global private equity investors

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Founded in 1980, Investment Expert is one of the largest and most experienced global private equity firms. We have established a team investment professionals, focused on buyouts and growth equity investments.

We employ a long-established strategy of sector-focused investing across all of our markets.

We seek to invest in well-positioned companies with strategic improvement potential and partner with management teams to create value by driving revenue and earnings growth.

Middle-market private equity

12 Offices in 11 Countries

$2.4 B

Bäume auf Baustellen

Damit ein Baum nicht zu Schaden kommt, sind gesetzliche Mindestabstände vorgeschrieben. Ich zeige Ihnen nötige Mindestabstände auf oder dokumentiere diese

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Ein Baum mit Schadstellen, Pilzfruchtkörpern oder Wurzelverletzungen bedarf oftmals einer Eingehenden Untersuchung mittels spezieller Untersuchungsverfahren um eine Prognose über seinen

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Ich kontrolliere Ihren Baum auf Verkehrssicherheit und lege nötige Baumschnittmaßnahmen fest.

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Falls es durch Ihren Baum zu einem Schaden gekommen ist, gehe ich der Ursache auf den Grund und dokumentiere die

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Im Zuge des Klimawandels immer wichtiger. Um einem Schadensfall vorzubeugen, berate ich sie auf die möglichen Gefahren, die von ihrem

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Materials technology

Materials technology

Baumgutachten, Sturmkontrollen

Information tehnology

Information tehnology

Bäume auf Baustellen, Schadensermittlung

Experienced Team

Advent has one of the world’s largest and most experienced private equity teams, with more than 170 investment professionals across four continents.

Meet our team

We have invested $2.4 billion in 150 transactions
across 11 countries”

Download Our 2016 Highlights Review

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Our clients know

Investment Expert is one of the largest and most experienced global private equity investors

We seek to invest in well-positioned companies with operational and strategic improvement potential and partner with management teams to create value by driving revenue and earnings growth.

Alexa Von Tobel

CEO Finance Consult Manager

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad

Alexa Von Tobel

CEO Finance Consult Manager

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad

Our blog

Advent has one of the world’s largest and most experienced private equity teams, with more than 170 investment professionals across four continents.

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